What Not to Wear on Graduation Day


Deciding what to wear for graduation requires more than merely picking up your cap and gown and making sure you put on the tassel correctly. You have to choose something to wear under the academic garb, too, and while it may not seem important, you don't want to wear something that's so uncomfortable you can't enjoy yourself.


What you end up wearing will ultimately depend on your personal taste and the style of the time, but no matter the trend, here are a few things you probably don't want to be wearing once "Pomp and Circumstance" starts playing.


Uncomfortable Shoes

True, treating yourself to a new (and cute!) pair of shoes might be the special splurge you feel you deserve after your years of hard work in school. But you'll likely be on your feet most, if not all, of the day.


If you want a pair of shoes to help you stand out, go for bright colors that your friends and family can see beneath your graduation gown. Comfort, however, should definitely take priority; you don't want to be hobbling around with blistered feet on a day when you feel like jumping for joy.


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Shoes You've Never Worn Before

If you are going to buy some new shoes for graduation, make sure you wear them before graduation day. Even if they feel comfortable at first, wear them around your room or apartment for a bit. That way, you can stretch them out and make sure they really are comfortable.


Clothes That Are Inappropriate for the Weather

If you're going to be graduating outside in 100-degree weather, dress appropriately. You don't want to faint from heat exhaustion or wear something that will show sweat (you'll probably take pictures without the academic dress, too). Be smart about what the weather is and how you need to dress.


Clothes That Are Too Formal or Not Formal Enough

Wearing jeans to your college graduation probably isn't a smart choice, but a ball gown isn't quite right, either. Aim for business or business casual for the ceremony. That means a nice dress, nice pants, nice shirt/blouse, and nice shoes. You can consider some online store graduation dresses.


Day time is for school and past, the night time is for yourself and future. So, you can wear something different at night graduation parties. Just as the following shows.




long sleeves prom dresses


Clothes That Won't Look Good in Pictures

If you aren't sure what style to pick, going for a classic and classy look is always wise. You don't, after all, want to look back at your graduation photo and wince at your wardrobe choice. Pick something that looks nice, looks professional and will represent you well over the years.


Anything That Is Inappropriate or Might Get You in Trouble

You're still a college student, after all, which means that any poor decisions you make about what to wear can lead to some serious consequences. Wearing clothing with an offensive slogan or putting an offensive or inappropriate message on your graduation cap might seem amusing to you — but not to the administration. After everything you've done to earn your degree, don't sabotage your chance to celebrate it.


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